The Sunlight Dialogues / John Gardner / New Directions / 2006 (re-release)
Hmmm... Who is John Galt? Wait, wait, wrong book. "Who is the Sunlight Man?" asks the back cover.
John Gardner is (was?) a fantastic writer in many ways. The characters are well written, the plot is mostly interesting, the philosophy in the book is very interesting.
The main characters are fascinating. There's a sheriff driven to get this so-called Sunlight Man at any cost, his blind wife (very well written), a family (not theirs) tearing itself to pieces. The Sunlight Man is insane, but the book tries to make you quetion whether he is really the insane one, of if mainstream society is the more insane.

However, I found this book to be a chore to actually get through. That's because it is SO philosophically driven. If you really loved
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, you may really love this book, too. For both of these works, the philosophy is the driving force of the book. It is, it seems, WHY the plot exists - to put forward the philosophy. My problem is that, even if I like and agree with the philosophy, I feel like I'm being bludgeoned to death with it in these books. It isn't an interesting part of the book so much as a constant presence that actually stalls the plot. Holy Endless Monologues, Batman! I like
The Sunlight Dialogues far better than
Atlas Shrugged, but I still had to fight my way through the middle. :0/
Honestly, I hate to say all that. This is a good book. If you love philosophy above all, you'll love this book. The writing is very, very good. It's just like the author couldn't quite let go of his philosophy when he should - he tries overly hard to make sure you get it. I get it already - quit bludgeoning me! Heh.
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