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Lucky # Slevin

Saw this one last night. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a shaky 6. There were some things about it that I really liked - chief among them a good sense of humor. I found the beginning of it a bit obnoxious, but it got better as it went and culminated in a decent ending. There was one particular theme that just didn't work, which was this thing about using every piece of a creature called the Shmoo to satisfy the world's wants. It was just tossed in there at some point and never really connected to any part of the plot. A lot of this movie felt forced and unbelievable.
Overall assessment - mildly entertaining. My husband went to a sleep during it, so I bet he didn't think it was even up to that.
Here's a better, more detailed review:
Crushed by Inertia ReviewLabels: review
Movie Reviews
We are WAY behind the times in movies, I know. However, I think many people are, so why not post about them anyway?
Tristan & Isolde.

How disappointing. Take an epic story and make it boring. This executive producer (Ridley Scott) did Aliens & Gladiator, so I had hope. And don't get me wrong, it's OK... it's just not what it should be. I had trouble believing the 2 main characters were in love, which IS a problem in a love story. The same believability problem pervaded every aspect of the movie. You just feel like noboby really wants what they purport to want. Meh.
Superman Returns.

Very nice! I liked Batman Begins a smidge better, but that's an even split of opinion in my household. The love story IS believable and woven in where it isn't annoying. Brandon Routh was *perfectly* cast, & Kevin Spacey is always awesome. Several nods to the historic Superman movies & comics. A little predictable in an "always rushing off to save the world" sort of way (one feat of strength after another), but this is a minor complaint in a movie I genuinely enjoyed.
Some (not all) of my favorite movies, so you know who you are dealing with:
The Whale Rider
Being John Malkovich
The Big Lebowski
The Princess Bride
Run Lola Run
Amelie (everyone says that, right? heh.)
Labels: review
Pages to visit
Yea, yea, so I know these people. Believe it or not, though, they are genuinely awesome artists, so go check it out!
Art by the extremely talented Daisy: by my extremely talented brother in law, Dave:'ll put my brother's art page up soon... IF he ever emails the address to me.
I really wouldn't bother putting these up here if I didn't think it was worth checking out (regardless of who it was doing it). Promise :)
Update: My brother's art site!:
Labels: review